Data Protection Policy

The participants of Eurographics’2021 expressly take note and are informed in accordance with Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that the following personal data disclosed to the organizer by the participants themselves or by third parties (e.g. their association) for the purpose of fulfilling the contract for the participation at the event by us, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien,, as the organizer and therefore responsible within the meaning of Article 4(2) GDPR, i.e., collected, recorded, stored, used or disclosed to third parties by transmission or disclosure with or without the help of automated processes:

Name (first name, last name, gender), address, affiliation, communication data.

We need the provision of this data to provide our contractual services, without which it would not be possible. We process this data for the duration of the fulfillment of the contract or statutory retention requirements. At most, this data will only be passed on to third parties for the fulfillment of the contract or legal obligations that affect us. You have the right of information, correction, deletion, objection and data transfer as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the responsible data protection authority (at You also have the right to revoke your consent at any time, although despite your revocation, data processing may still be permitted due to other legal reasons.

Suitable technical and organizational measures have been taken to protect your personal data.

Photos (screenshots), videos, and sound recordings may be made during the event. As a participant of EG’2021 you agree that such material may be reproduced, published (also in electronic form) or duplicated by the organizers, possibly including your name and affiliation, provided that this does not affect any legitimate interests of you in your own image.

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