Public Voting
- Best Fast Forward: “SnakeBinning: Efficient Temporally Coherent Triangle Packing for Shading Streaming” by Jozef Hladky, Hans-Peter Seidel and Markus Steinberger
- Best Posters: “Fast & Robust Registration and Calibration of Depth-Only Sensors” by Andre Muehlenbrock, Roland Fischer, Rene Weller and Gabriel Zachmann; and “Illumination-driven Light Probe Placement” by Konstantinos Vardis, Andreas-Alexandros Vasilakis and Georgios Papaioannou
- Best COVID Full Paper Talk: “SnakeBinning: Efficient Temporally Coherent Triangle Packing for Shading Streaming” by Jozef Hladky, Hans-Peter Seidel and Markus Steinberger