Rome 13-17 June 2022


EuroVis 2022 is enabled through the registration fees of the authors. Hence, a single contributor registration is mandatory for every accepted contribution, including EuroVis full papers, EuroVis short papers, STARs, EuroVis posters, the Dirk Bartz Prize, workshop papers, and all invited journal papers.

For all contributions (except for invited papers) Eurographics requires the payment of the Gold Open Access fee, which is 260€ for EG members and 340€ for non-members. For poster authors a reduced Gold Open Access fee of 50€ applies. Authors of invited papers are not required to pay the Gold Open Access fees, since those papers are already published.
Eurovis will cover part of the GOA fees.

All contributions (except for invited journal papers) are required to pay the Gold Open Access (GOA) publication fee.
Contributor registrations are due:
early registration: 13 May 2022
late registration: 12 June 2022
on-site registration: from 13 June 2022

// Conference Organization

Eurovis 2022 will be a viz-a-viz conference:

  1.  Eurovis and workshops will be held in presence (unless the Covid scenario will change dramatically).
  2.  Remote presentations will be allowed as exceptions **using a pre-recorded video** and the speaker will be on line to answer questions. The pre-recorded video must be provided before May 15th.
  3. Virtual participation will not be available (no hybrid mode).
  4.  All the sessions will be locally recorded and uploaded on YouTube.
// Overview

Before starting registration, please take note that:

Fees do not include VAT 22%

According to the Italian Fiscal Law, VAT will be requested in the following cases:

  • If the invoice is sent to an individual acting as a private person (Italian / EU or extra EU citizen)
  • If the invoice is sent to an Italian University (electronic invoice)
  • However, if the invoice is sent to an EU and Non-EU University there is no requirement to pay VAT (VAT registration number of University will be a compulsory field only for EU).

Below you find an overview of the registration fees for papers (full, short, STAR, Dirk Bartz Prize, workshops), invited papers (CGF, C&G) and posters. The registration of “Conference Only” and “Full week” includes one ticket for the dinner.

Conference Only Full week Only colocated
Member Non-Member Member Non-Member Member Non-Member
Early-Bird students 380€ 480€ 470€ 590€ 200€ 240€
Late students 450€ 570€ 560€ 690€ 220€ 270€
On-site students 500€ 620€ 610€ 740€ 270€ 320€
Early-Bird non-students 550€ 680€ 660€ 820€ 280€ 340€
Late non-students 640€ 790€ 780€ 960€ 310€ 380€
On-site non-students 690€ 840€ 830€ 1.010€ 360€ 430€
Extra Dinner 100€

As Eurographics member you enjoy a price reduction. To become a Eurographics member you may visit Eurographics membership. A regular membership is 80€ per year and a student membership is 45€ per year.

// Gold Open Access (GOA)

Eurovis will be glad to cover part of the GOA fees so, for every full paper, short paper, state-of-the-art report, Dirk Bartz Prize, and workshop paper one single author is required to pay a reduced Gold Open Access fee, which is 150€ for EG members and 180€ for non-members (vs. 260€ and 340€ ). For poster authors Eurovis covers the full Gold Open Access (50€). Authors of invited papers are not required to pay the Gold Open Access fees.

Eurographics Member Non-Eurographics Member
Paper** 150€ 180€
Invited Paper

** full paper, short paper, state-of-the-art report, and workshop paper


The registration ONLINE is closed

If you want to register at conference time still using the late fee or if you have special needs, please send an email to specifying your name and the registration option (Conference Only/Full week/Only colocated).