Call for Posters
The poster track will present late-breaking results, work in progress, follow-up extensions, application case studies, or evaluations of existing methods. In particular, it provides young researchers, especially postgraduate students, with valuable opportunities to receive feedback from other researchers and engage in stimulating discussions.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: Extended to April 21, 2023 (Friday)
Notification: May 05, 2023 (Friday)
Camera Ready Version: May 12, 2023 (Friday)
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
Submission Instructions
We solicit poster submissions in the form of a sketch (i.e., an extended abstract of at most 2 pages in the EuroVis poster format, with an additional page allowed for references only). We strongly encourage the submission of additional materials. For example, you can submit an additional PDF (without any page limit) that contains a number of example results, screenshots, an interaction sequence, etc. The poster draft can also be added as additional material (but is not mandatory for the submission). Finally, submissions can also include supplementary material such as videos or executable programs. In particular for interactive tools/approaches, a digital video is essential and thus strongly encouraged to allow the reviewers to assess the interactive aspects.
Any accepted posters are required to have at least one (paid) registered author to attend and present the poster at the conference.
Authors of accepted posters will also be required to present a brief (less than one minute) summary of their poster content at the opening preview session (also called fast-forward).
Both a PDF version of the poster and the extended abstract will be included on the conference USB stick and also in the EG digital library with a DOI. The material in a poster/sketch can later be reused by the original authors for a more extensive publication (e.g., a full paper) with more detailed content and mature results, without being considered self-plagiarism.
Formatting Instructions
To submit to EuroVis 2023 posters, authors prepare their submission as a 2-page PDF file (“sketch”) using the conference LaTeX template (including a document class, a style file, a sample source file, and a corresponding PDF output file). On Overleaf, this template can be imported easily by selecting “New Project” -> “Upload Project” and uploading the zip file. Select EGauthorGuidelines-eurovis23-poster.tex as the main document of the project and use it for your submission.
Please make sure that an image embedded in your poster sketch does not contain transparent pixels (i.e., an alpha channel of a transparent color) because this will lead to problems when the resulting PDF is displayed or printed.
Submissions can also include supplementary material such as videos or executable programs. The server will accept uploads of at most 200 MB, so multiple files of over 200 MB must be submitted separately. We encourage the use of digital videos to support poster submissions, particularly if part of, or all of the work covers interactive techniques. Please use only the most common video codecs (e.g., MP4 format using the H.264 codec) to maximize the chances that the reviewers can see it.
A poster draft can also be added as additional material but is not mandatory for the submission. The final posters should be printed on paper no larger than paper size A0 (or A1) portrait (84.1cm x 118.9cm = 33.1in x 46.8in, cf.
Poster sketches are submitted using the Precision Conference System (PCS). Please note you have to select Eurographics as Society.
Author Guidelines
EuroVis 2023 poster submissions will undergo a one-stage double-blind review process. Author identities will be hidden from the external reviewers. Authors should, therefore, not include their name or institution on the cover page of the initial submission, and should make an effort to ensure that there is no self-revealing information in the text. However, you will still need to provide a complete list of authors when submitting your poster so that members of the program committee can avoid conflicts of interest during reviewer assignment. All authors must be specified in the submission system (but not in the sketch or poster draft) at the time of the submission. Adding additional authors after the acceptance of a poster is not acceptable.
We expect that the submissions will clearly discuss the novel and significant contributions as well as place them in the context of prior art in the field.
At least one author of an accepted poster must attend the conference to present the work.
Contributions must be written and presented in English.
Our conference will adhere to the following ethics guidelines for reviewers, which can be found on the Reviewer Guidelines page.
Full Papers Chairs
Christina Gillmann, Leipzig University, Germany
Michael Krone, University of Tübingen, Germany
Simone Lenti, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
For any questions concerning poster submissions please contact the posters chairs at posters(at)
Publishing with Plan-S
We added additional information about publishing your work with EuroVis 2023 and Plan-S. We encourage all authors to submit, and contact us in case of any questions. Click here for the information.