Virtual Poster Session

Posters sessions are ideally highly interactive with people moving from poster to poster, chatting with the presenters, exchanging ideas and suggestions. To retain this we propose the following as a format for the poster sessions.


  1. The session is a two hour event as normal in the program with a fixed start and planned end time (individual discussions may continue if there is still productive conversation going on).
  2. The session starts at 17:15 CEST with a livestream on YouTube
  3. Attendees go to the Virtual Posters Event web page where the posters are listed with thumbnails of the posters and links to PDF versions of the poster and of the accompanying two-page paper.
  4. A fast-forward style video of each poster is available as a playlist on the EGEV YouTube channel
  5. Having found a poster of interest the attendee can click through to a discord channel for discussions with the author.
  6. In that room they will find the poster presenter with whom they can then interact through audio and/or text. The presenter can share their screen to show images or the poster itself to discuss it.
  7. Other people may join as well and a discussion can happen. The presenter will be the ‘host’ of the room and control what is shown. They can even do live demonstrations if desired although the frame rate and video lag may be an unpredictable issue with live feeds.
  8. Unlike the papers sessions, the posters discussions will not be archived so no permissions are required for video/audio recording