We are happy to announce that the annual Eurographics Symposium on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM) is coming back to it’s birthplace, the TU Delft in Delft, The Netherlands, on 2nd and 3rd October, 2025. We are looking forward to seeing all of you in person!
EG VCBM addresses the state of the art in visual computing research with a strong focus on applications in biology and medicine. It provides an interdisciplinary forum for experts (researchers and practitioners) from visualization, visual analytics, computer graphics, image processing, computer vision, human-computer interfaces as well as experts from biology and medicine, jointly working on next-generation visual computing solutions for medicine, healthcare, and the biotechnology sector.
All papers (regular papers as well as short papers) will focus on a well-defined biological/medical problem, and demonstrate a significant innovation or improvement in visual computing. We are looking forward to your exciting submissions and will look forward to welcome you in Delft.
Thomas Höllt
EG VCBM 2025 General Chair