
Opening Session

Bernhard Preim (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg)

Session 1: Medical Visualization and Surgical Assistance

Chair: Steffen Oeltze (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover)
11:00 Advanced Visualization of Aortic Dissection Anatomy and Hemodynamics (Full paper)
A. Schroeder
11:23 Analyzing the effect of undermining on suture forces during simulated skin flap surgeries with a three-dimensional finite element method
W. Guo
11:45 CBCTLiTS: A Synthetic, Paired CBCT/CT Dataset For Segmentation And Style Transfer
M. E. Tschuchnig
12:00 Potential of Tetrahedral Markers for Infrared Pose Tracking in Surgical Navigation
E. Immoor
12:15 Algorithmic Integration and Quantification of Endoscopic and 3D TEE Images in Mitral Valve Surgery
L. Walczak

Session 2: Image Processing and Machine Learning

Chair: Timo Ropinski (Universität Ulm)
15:00 Synthetic Surface Mesh Generation of Aortic Dissections using Statistical Shape Modeling
K. Ostendorf
15:23 US-Net: U-shaped network with Convolutional Attention Mechanism for ultrasound medical images
P. Liu
15:45 Virtually Objective Quantification of in vitro Wound Healing Scratch Assays with the Segment Anythin[…]
K. Löwenstein
16:00 Exploring Drusen Type and Appearance using Interpretable GANs
C. Muth
16:15 Workflow for AI-Supported Stenosis Prediction in X-Ray Coronary Angiography for SYNTAX Score Calcula[…]
A. Popp

Session 3: Immersive Visualization and Interaction

Chair: Renata Raidou (Universität Wien)
9:00 Voice user interfaces for effortless Navigation in medical Virtual Reality Environments
J. Hombeck
9:23 Virtual reality inspection of chromatin 3D and 2D data
P.-P. Vàsquez
9:46Cardiac Ultrasound Simulations for Performance Quantification of Deep Learning Segmentation Methods
M. Bauer
10:00 VISPER – Visualization System for Interactions between Proteins and Drugs for Exploratory Research
D. Dehncke
10:15 CardioCoLab: Collaborative Learning of Embryonic Heart Anatomy in Mixed Reality
D. Schott

Session 4: Health Communication and Patient Reporting

Chair: Gabriel Mistelbauer (Stanford University School of Medicine)
14:15 Interactive data comics for communicating medical data to the general public: A study of engagement and ease of understanding
A. Manataki
14:38 SHAPE: a visual computing pipeline for interactive landmarking of 3D photograms and patient reporting for assessing craniosynostosis
C. Görg
15:00 Why, What, and How to Communicate Health Information Visually: Reflections on the Design Process of […]
S. Mittenentzwei
15:15 Leaving the Lab Setting: What We Can Learn About the Perception of Narrative Medical Visualizations […]
S. Mittenentzwei
15:30 The MoBa Pregnancy and Child Development Dashboard: A Design Study
R. Ziman and B. Budich