MedViz wishes to use scientific pictures to profile our activity. This is because all our activities are based on images, image information and its utilization for improved diagnoses resulting in better patient treatment. Previously awarded images are shown below.
MedViz has established a committee which will evaluate the received pictures, from which the three best pieces will be awarded a personal reward of 1.000 NOK and a free picture of the artwork. Please, send pictures and illustrations in the highest resolution with a short background information to The deadline for the image contest is 1st September.
By submitting your pictures you hereby give MedViz the rights of use for profiling purposes, with a clear reference to the originator.
For more information see English flyer or Norwegian flyer.
From 9 submission the committee selected three following winners (without any particular rating among them):
- PelVis by Noeska Smit, Kai Lawonn, Annelot Kraima, Marco de Ruiter, Hessam Sokooti, Stefan Bruckner, Elmar Eisemann, Anna Vilanova
- Arteries in focus by Sergej Stoppel
- Turbulent flow in an aorta by Niels de Hoon, Kai Lawonn, Andrei Jalba, Elmar Eisemann, Anna Vilanova

Noeska Smit et al.

Sergej Stoppel

Niels de Hoon et al.