
A preview of the printed program is available here.

Wednesday September 7

13:00 Lunch
13:45 Joint MedViz & VCBM Opening of the Conference by Head of Department of Clinical Medicine, UiB, Nils Erik Gilhus
14:00 Joint Session I: Visualization
Chairs: Helwig Hauser & Odd Helge Gilja (Storstuen)
Hans-Christian Hege, Zuse Institute, Berlin, Germany: Visual Computing for Connectomics – Achievements and Challenges
Panel discussion: Future topics in Medical Visualization, moderated by Helwig Hauser
15:30 Coffee Break and Posters
16:00 Two parallel Sessions II:
MR modality Visual Exploration and Analysis of Biological Data (VCBM Full Papers)
Chairs: Ingfrid Haldorsen & Jarle Rørvik (Storstuen) Chair: Timo Ropinski (Auditorium)
Tijl van der Velden, UMC, Utrecht, The Netherlands: Advanced MR diffusion and metabolic models characterizing tumors

Eivind Valestrand, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen: Brain imaging and machine-learning to explore brain gut axis in irritable bowel syndrome

Eli Eikefjord, Department of Radiology, Haukeland University Hospital: Quantification of single kidney function and volume in living kidney donors using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI

Sigmund Ytre-Hauge, Department of Radiology, Haukeland Univ. Hospital: In vivo MR spectroscopy predicts high tumor grade in endometrial cancer

Atle Bjørnerud, University of Oslo, Norway: MR perfusion for tumor characterization

Unfolding and Interactive Exploration of Protein Tunnels and their Dynamics (Ivan Kolesár, Jan Byška, Julius Parulek, Helwig Hauser, Bára Kozlíková)

Chameleon – Dynamic Color Mapping for Multi-Scale Structural Biology Models (Nicholas Waldin, Mathieu Le Muzic, Manuela Waldner, Eduard Gröller, David Goodsell, Autin Ludovic, Ivan Viola)

Illustrative Transitions in Molecular Visualization via Forward and Inverse Abstraction Transform (Johannes Sorger, Peter Mindek, Tobias Klein, Graham Johnson, Ivan Viola)

Visual Analysis and Comparison of Multiple Sequence Alignments (Martin Hess, Daniel Jente, Josef Wiemeyer, Kay Hamacher, Michael Goesele)

17:30 Coffee Break and Posters
18:00 Joint Session III: Short papers – Novel Visualization Techniques
Chair: Stefan Bruckner (Storstuen)
Semi-Automatic Vessel Boundary Detection in Cardiac 4D PC-MRI Data Using FTLE fields (Benjamin Behrendt, Benjamin Köhler, Daniel Gräfe, Matthias Grothoff, Matthias Gutberlet, Bernhard Preim)

Real-Time Guidance and Anatomical Information by Image Projection onto Patients (Marc R. Edwards, Serban R. Pop, Nigel W. John, Panagiotis D. Ritsos, Nick Avis)

Volume Visualization Using Principal Component Analysis (Salaheddin Alakkari, John Dingliana)

Thursday September 8

9:00 Joint Session IV: Translational imaging
Chairs: Martin Biermann & Lars R. Reisæter (Storstuen)
Andreas Julius Tulipan, Dept. of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Oslo University Hospital: PET for diagnosing Prostate cancer

Habib Baghirov,Department of Physics, NTNU, Trondheim: Focused ultrasound-mediated transport of poly (alkyl cyanoacrylate)

Samer Ezziddin, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Saarland University Hospital, Bad Homburg, Germany: Radiopeptide therapy for Prostate cancer

10:30 Coffee Break and Posters
11:00 Two parallel Sessions V:
Ultrasound Visual Computing for Blood Flow & Motion Analysis (VCBM Full Papers)
Chairs: Odd Helge Gilja & Roald Flesland Havre (Storstuen) Chair: Bernhard Kainz (Auditorium)
Paul Sidhu, London, UK: Clinical Applications of Elastography: My Experience

Roald Flesland Havre, National Centre for Ultrasound in Gastroenterology, Dept. of Medicine, HUH: Endoscopic strain imaging of the pancreas

Mette Vesterhus, National Centre for Ultrasound in Gastroenterology, Dept. of Medicine, HUH: Elastography of the liver in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

Trond Engjom, National Centre for Ultrasound in Gastroenterology, Dept. of Medicine, HUH: Comparing secretin stimulated ultrasonography and MRI in cystic fibrosis patients and healthy controls

Elisabeth Steinsvik, National Centre for Ultrasound in Gastroenterology, Dept. of Medicine, HUH: Proximal stomach function in patients with IBS compared to Functional Dyspepsia using Ultrasound

Bjørn Angelsen, NTNU, Trondheim: SURF elastography for improved ultrasound

Temporal Interpolation of 4D PC-MRI Blood-flow Measurements Using Bidirectional Physics-based Fluid Simulation (Niels H. L. C. de Hoon, Andrei C. Jalba, Elmar Eisemann, Anna Vilanova)

A Framework for Fast Initial Exploration of PC-MRI Cardiac Flow (Arjan J. M. Broos, Niels H. L. C. de Hoon, Patrick J. H. de Koning, Rob J. van der Geest, Anna Vilanova, Andrei C. Jalba)

Coherence Maps for Blood Flow Exploration (Rickard Englund, Timo Ropinski, Ingrid Hotz)

Spatio-temporal Visualization of Regional Myocardial Velocities (Ali Sheharyar, Teodora Chitiboi, Eric Keller, Ozair Rahman, Susanne Schnell, Michael Markl, Othmane Bouhali, Lars Linsen)

13:00 Lunch
14:00 Joint Session VI: Short papers – Medical Data Analysis and Visualization and Posters Summary
Chair: Lars Linsen (Storstuen)
Illustrative PET/CT Visualization of SIRT-Treated Lung Metastases (Nico Merten, Sylvia Glaßer, Bianca Lassen-Schmidt, Oliver Stephan Großer, Jens Ricke , Holger Amthauer, Bernhard Preim)

A Feasibility Study on Automated Protein Aggregate Characterization Utilizing a Hybrid Classification Model (Dennis Eschweiler, Michael Gadermayr, Jakob Unger, Markus Nippold, Björn Falkenburger, Dorit Merhof)

PATHONE: From one Thousand Patients to one Cell (Alberto Corvò, Michel A. Westenberg, Marc A. van Driel, Jarke J.van Wijk)

A summary of the posters (Veronika Šoltészová)

15:30 Coffee Break and Posters
16:00 Two parallel Sessions VII:
PET/MR Illustrative and Comparative Medical Visualization (VCBM Full Papers)
Chairs: Renate Grüner & Thomas Schwarzlmüller (Storstuen) Chair: Ivan Viola (Auditorium)
Bernhard Sattler, University Hospital Leipzig, Germany: PET/MR applications and technical challenges

Pedro Silva, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands: Visualization of Variability in Radiotherapy Dose Planning

Hans-René Bjørsvik and Tom Christian Holm Adamsen, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Bergen: PET tracer development in a Horizon2020 project

Live Eikenes, NTNU, Trondheim: Experiences with PET/MR in Norway

Semi-immersive 3D Sketching of Vascular Structures for Medical Education (Patrick Saalfeld, Aleksandar Stojnic, Bernhard Preim, Steffen Oeltze-Jafra)

Sline: Seamless Line Illustration for Interactive Biomedical Visualization (Nils Lichtenberg, Noeska Smit, Christian Hansen, Kai Lawonn)

Aortic Dissection Maps: Comprehensive Visualization of Aortic Dissections for Risk Assessment (Gabriel Mistelbauer, Johanna Schmidt, Anna-Margaretha Sailer, Kathrin Bäumler, Shannon Walters, Dominik Fleischmann)

How to Evaluate Medical Visualizations on the Example of 3D Aneurysm Surfaces (Sylvia Glaßer, Patrick Saalfeld, Philipp Berg, Nico Merten, Bernhard Preim)

17:30 Joint Sessions VIII: Posters (K1)
19:30 Conference Dinner: Galleri Nygaten

Friday September 9

9:00 Two parallel Sessions IX:
Perfusion Imaging Simulation and Visual Analysis in Medicine (VCBM Full Papers)
Chairs: Torfinn Taxt & Erlend Hodneland (Storstuen) Chair: Claes Lundström (Auditorium)
Radovan Jirik Brno, Czech Republic: Recent Advances in MRI and Ultrasound Perfusion Imaging

Erik Hanson, Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen: Discretization dependency of classical models for perfusion – a simulation study

Kim Nylund, National Centre for Ultrasound in Gastroenterology, Dept. of Medicine, HUH: Ultrasound imaging of perfusion

José Manuel Prats Montalbán, Universidad Politécninca de Valencia, Spain: Multivariate image analysis for multiparametric phenotyping and prognosis in cancer

Visualization-Guided Evaluation of Simulated Minimally Invasive Cancer Treatment (Philip Voglreiter, Michael Hofmann, Christoph Ebner, Roberto Blanco Sequeiros, Horst Rupert Portugaller, Jurgen Fütterer, Michael Moche, Markus Steinberger, Dieter Schmalstieg)

Monte-Carlo Ray-Tracing for Realistic Interactive Ultrasound Simulation (Oliver Mattausch, Orcun Goksel)

Graxels: Information Rich Primitives for the Visualization of Time-Dependent Spatial Data (Sergej Stoppel, Erlend Hodneland, Helwig Hauser, Stefan Bruckner)

 Visual Analytics for the Exploration and Assessment of Segmentation Errors (Renata G. Raidou, Freek J. J. Marcelis, Marcel Breeuwer, Eduard Gröller, Anna Vilanova, Huub M. M. van de Wetering)

10:30 Coffee Break and Posters
11:00 Sessions X: Computational Imaging
Chairs: Arvid Lundervold & Antonella Zanna Munthe-Kaas (Storstuen)
Carola-Bibiane Schonlieb, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK: Seeing more in images – a mathematical perspective

Erlend Hodneland, Christian Michelsen Research and MedViz, Bergen: Image registration for early detection of fibrosis

Hiroshi Noborio, Dept. Computer Science, Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan: Evaluation of depth-depth matching algorithm for following human liver whose motion is practical and also is occluded by human body

Alexander Lundervold, Faculty of engineering and business administration, Bergen University College: Imaging-based modeling of the human larynx for simulation of airflow during exercise

Kent-Andre Mardal, Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo: Brain & Water – computational modelling of the aging brain

12:40 Awards for the best PhD Poster, PhD oral presentation and for Image Contest
Concluding remarks by Ragnar Nortvedt, MedViz, Bergen
13:00 Lunch
14:00 End of the joint MedViz & VCBM Conference

Kayak Event

More information regarding the kayak event can be found here.