
DAY 1: Thursday, July 1

8:00 – 12:00 REGISTRATION
9:00 Opening remarks
9:15 Keynote 1: Prof Anders Ynnerman
Rendering and interacting with large scale volumetric data for medical applications
10:15 Coffee
10:35 SESSION: Segmentation and Flow Visualization
  • Dynamic Visualisation of Orbital Fat Deformation using Anatomy-Guided Interaction
    Schaafsma, Schutte, Simonsz, Post, Botha
  • Fast and Smooth Interactive Segmentation of Medical Images Using Variational Interpolation
    Heckel, Konrad, Peitgen
  • Evaluation of hippocampal segmentation methods for healthy and pathological subjects
    Bishop, Jenkinson, Declerck, Merhof
  • Adapted Surface Visualization of Cerebral Aneurysms with Embedded Blood Flow Information
    Gasteiger, Neugebauer,Baer, Kubisch, Preim
12:15 Lunch
13:40 SESSION: Neuro-imaging
  • Graph averaging as a means to compare multichannel EEG coherence networks
    Crippa, Maurits, Roerdink
  • Visualizing white matter fiber tracts with optimally fitted curved dissection surfaces
    Schurade, Hlawitschka, Hamann, Scheuermann, Knösche, Anwander
  • Accelerated Diffusion Operators for Enhancing DW-MRI
    Rodrigues, Duits, ter Haar Romeny, Vilanova
  • Visual analysis of integrated resting state functional brain connectivity and anatomy
    Van Dixhoorn, Vissers, Ferrarini, Milles, Botha
15:20 coffee
17:15 Demos at ICCAS or IRDC
18:30 Social event

DAY 2: Friday, July 2

8:15 coffee
8:35 SESSION: Structural Modelling
  • A General Approach to Model Biomedical Data from 3D Unorganised Point Clouds with Medial Scaffolds
    Leymarie, Chang, Imielinska, Kimia
  • Efficient Globally Optimal Matching of Anatomical Trees of the Liver
    Oyarzun, Drechsler
  • Staircase-Aware Smoothing of Medical Surface Meshes
    Moench, Adler, Preim
9:50 coffee
  • Visual Support for Modeling and Simulation of Cell Biological Processes
    Andrea Unger, Univ. Rostock
  • Caleydo: Visual Analysis of Biomolecular Data
    Marc Streit, Alexander Lex, Dieter Schmalstieg, TU Graz
  • Molecular Visualisation in cancer genomics and protein structure prediction
    Michael Lappe, MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin
  • INCIDE – an Interdisciplinary Center for Interactive Data Analysis, Modelling and Visual Exploration
    Dorit Merhof, Univ. Konstanz
11:50 Lunch
13:00 SESSION: Treatment planning
  • Interactive real time simulation of cardiac radio-frequency ablation
    Pernod, Delingette
  • Importance-Driven Structure Categorization for 3D Surgery Planning
    Baer, Kellermann, Preim
  • Estimation of the Midsagittal Plane for Sideness Determination of Malignant Structures of Head and Neck
    Rössling, Hahn, Cyrus, Dornheim
14:15 coffee
14:30 SESSION: Volume Visualization
  • Anatomical Volume Visualization with Weighted Distance Fields
    Kerwin, Shen, Hittle, Stredney, Wiet
  • Guided Visualization of Ultrasound Image Sequences
    Angelelli, Viola, Hauser, Gilja, Nylund
  • Model-based Solid Texture Synthesis for Anatomic Volume Illustration
    Kabul, Merck, Rosenman, Pizer
15:45 coffee
16:00 Keynote talk 2: Dr. Roland Bammer
Computer-vision based real-time adapative motion-correction in MRI
17:00 closing remarks

Posters Session (In order of presentation)

Jörg-Stefan Praßni, Klaus August Storm, Timo Ropinski and Klaus Tiemann.
Single Shot Quantification of Gas-Filled Microbubbles with Ultrasound

Michel Westenberg and Jos Roerdink.
SpotXplore: a Cytoscape Plugin for Visual Exploration of Gene Expression in Regulatory Networks

Simon Adlerand Tobias Mönch.
Vessel surface generation for surgical simulations

Andrew Corcoran, Niall Redmond and John Dingliana.
Perceptually Optimised Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Biological and Medical Volume Data

Corinna Vehlow and Michael Lappe.
Spatial Distribution of Residue Contacts: towards geometric body potentials

Stefan Wesarg, Azam Sadat Ghassemi Hosseini, Marius Erdt, Konstantinos Kafchitsas and M. Fawad Khan.
Segmental Assessment and Visualization of Trabecular Bone Mineral Density in Vertebrae

Matthias Kirschnerand Stefan Wesarg.
Interactive Visualization of Statistical Shape Models

Sebastian Ullrich, Oliver Grottke, Sadie Behrens, Thomas M. Deserno, Andreas Prescher, Rolf Rossaint and Torsten Kuhlen.
RASim: Regional Anaesthesia Simulation in a nutshell

Sylvia Glasser, Kathrin Scheil, Uta Preim and Bernhard Preim.
The Filecard-Browser View for Breast DCE-MRI Data

Stefan Sokoll, Klaus-Dietz Tönnies and Martin Heine.
Towards Fluorescent Nanoparticle Localization, Having Regard to Life Cell Imaging Constraints

Frank Nagl
and Sebastian Schäfer.
3D-SurReAL – 3D Surface Reconstruction of Arbitrary (Image) Layers

Marc Streit, Alexander Lex, Helmut Doleischand Dieter Schmalstieg.
Does software engineering pay off for research? Lessons learned from the Caleydo project

Daniela Wellein, Matthias Pfeifle, Silvia Born, Frank Duffner and Dirk Bartz.
Augmented Reality in the Neuro-Comrade Project

Clemens Holzhüter, Hans-Joerg Schulzand Heidrun Schumann.
Enriched Heatmaps for Visualizing Uncertainty in Microarray Data

Andreas Heffel, Peter Stadlerand Sonja Prohaska.
Separation of Expression Patterns and Morphology in In situ Hybridization Images of Drosphila Embryos

Silvia Born, Daniela Wellein, Stefan Bohn, Gero Strauß and Dirk Bartz.
3D Visualization for the Surgical Planning Unit

Seok Kim and Jinah Park.
Feeling the Vein for Intravenous Injection Preparation

Thomas Hierl, Daniel Kruber and Heike Hümpfner-Hierl.
A 3D-Cephalometric Tool for Medical and Non-Medical Image Analysis

Marcel Spehr, André Viergutz and Stefan Gumhold.
A Semi-Automatic Image Morphing Technique for Biological Images

Sebastian Eichelbaum, Mathias Goldau, Stefan Philips, André Reichenbach, Ralph Schurade and Alexander Wiebel.
OpenWalnut: A New Tool for Multi-modal Visualization of the Human Brain

Diana Röttger, Jens Eraßmy and Matthias Raspe.
Dynamic Exploration of DTI Volume Data

Soomin Song, JinHee Son and MyoungHee Kim.
Stitching of Confocal Microscopy Images for Quantifying Neuronal Growth

Deok-Soo Kim, Chong-Min Kim, C.-I. Won, J.-K. Kim, J. Ryu, C. Lee, Y. Cho and J. Bhak
Geometrization of structural molecular biology problems via beta-complex and its application to docking problem

This event is supported by Siemens Healthcare. For a list of all sponsors see the Sponsorspage.